Savana, Spain

VP Hospital Operations

Doctor in Medicine, Orthopedics and Trauma Surgeon. He trained and worked in one of the big hospitals of Madrid, Clinico San Carlos, where he gained passion for education, innovation and challenges. After obtaining his PhD he decided to devote part of his time to another of his great passions, technology, and found in Savana the best way to engage this with medicine. Since 2020 in Savana, where he has worked in different positions, first with the EHRead technical team in which, surrounded by experts in artificial intelligence, he helped computers and medical language to better understand each other; he also worked as coordinator of the group of medical annotators, who train our NLP models; later as Hospital Manager for the South of Europe, providing hospitals through out Europe with our AI tools. Now as VP of Hospital Operations, leading the site engagement teams from the different regions where Savana operates and the technical team responsible for integrating the documents that come from the hospitals that join our network worldwide.


Register for the Biosimilars LatAm – Europe 2023
