Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Head of Pharmacovigilance Service, Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, School of Medicine
Raquel is MD (University of Córdoba, Argentina), Specialist in Nuclear Medicine (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), MSc in Pharmacoepidemiology (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), and PhD in PV and PE for the Université de Bordeaux, France, in the Eu2PPhD programme. She has experience working as a medical doctor in both Primary Care in Spain and in Nuclear Medicine in Argentina. She is a fellow of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) since 2019.
She has edited in collaboration with the Uppsala Monitoring Centre two Pharmacovigilance books. She teaches Pharmacovigilance at University and has edited books and magazines within the Pharmacovigilance area. Since 2014, she’s member of the Editorial Board of Drug Safety Case Reports (Springer Healthcare)
Coordinated the 8th International Society of Pharmacovigilance Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires in 2008, and worked as a member of the Scientific Committee in the 11th and 12th ISoP Annual Meetings.
Since 2007, she has coordinated a site’s IRB in Córdoba, Argentina. She is the head of an University Pharmacovigilance center: Hospital Nacional de Clínicas, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
Since 2013 she is a volunteer consultant to the UMC. She is co-author of a chapter in Mann’s Pharmacovigilance, 3rd Edition: Pharmacovigilance in Argentina: A lot done, a lot to do (Luis Alesso and Raquel Herrera Comoglio.
She coordinated the 8th International Society of Pharmacovigilance Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires in 2008, and worked as a member of the Scientific Committee in the 11th and 12th ISoP Annual Meetings. She coordinated the ISoP Latin-American chapter from October 2009 to March 2021 and organized seven scientific Symposiums, in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2010 and 2014), Sao Paulo, Brazil (2015) and Bogotá, Colombia (2016), Mexico (2017), Brazil (2018), Córdoba, Argentina (2019) “La enseñanza de la farmacovigilancia en las Universidades”. Additionally, she has conceived the ISoP Webinar series on Vigilance of COVID-19 vaccines (February and March 2021) and coordinated it in collaboration with the ISoP Vaccines SIG and the ISoP Israel chapter.