Instituto de Seguridad Social y Servicios de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE), Mexico

Clinical immunology and allergies Manager

Medical doctor: Faculty of Medicine National

University (UNAM) Mexico City
She accounts a Speciality in Internal Medicine. National University (UNAM) México City. Also a Speciality in Clinical Immunology and Allergy. Hospital Center 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE
Master degree: Humanities. Concentration Area; History Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM Iztapalapa) Graduates: 4
Speaker at conferences, certi cate courses and courses: more than 250
Publications: 30 articles in peer review journals. Book: Autoimmunity: Chapter 22 In Molecular Cellular and Translational Immunology, Translational, Pavon, Martinez, Garces, Chief editors.

of service of Clinical Immunology and
Chief of Service: Clinical Immunology and Allergy National Medical Center (CMN) 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE since 2010 Titular Professor of the Specialty Course of Immunology Clinic and Allergy since National University (UNAM) 2010 Assistant Professor Specialty Courses of and visiting Professor (Pediatric Hematology, Pediatrics, Internal medi- cine and Occupational Medicine) since 1986.
Associate Editor of the Journal Alergia Mexico (CONACYT) from 2014.