National Cancer Institute, Colombia

General Director


Surgeon from the Universidad del Bosque, Colombian School of Medicine, she has a specialization in Philosophy of Sciences from the Universidad el Bosque, a master’s degree in public health from the University of Tokyo and is a candidate for a doctorate in social studies from the Universidad Externado de Colombia . With 20 years at the National Institute of Cancerology, as a researcher on issues related to cancer control, especially on the issue of cervical cancer and with the generation of knowledge focused on defining the guidelines of the health policy around this disease. counting on nearly 200 publications of scientific articles in this field. She was a teacher and professor at the Externado de Colombia University in the Faculty of Social Sciences. She has received funding from Colciencias and the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC for the development of her research projects. Additionally, she is Editor-in-Chief of the Colombian Journal of Cancerology and peer reviewer for various international journals such as the Pan-American Journal of Public Health and the Cancer Epidemiology Journal. At the National Institute of Cancerology, she has held the positions of coordinator of Public Health, Deputy General Director of Research and currently she is the General Director of this Institute.